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Monday, April 16, 2012

Going to the movies

Thanks for the post, Bernard Vasquez

With two small children at home, my wife and I never get a chance to go to the movies anymore. Before we had kids we would go to the movies two or three times a month. I would say that I have been to the movies five times in the last five years. The problem is that it is so difficult to find people to watch our children. Plus going to the movies has become so expensive. Two tickets to the movies is the same price that it costs to rent ten movies from the local video store. I still love watching movies, but now we watch movies on television. We have satellite TV fromhttp://www.directstartv.com/ and have access to a number of movie channels every month. It is amazing how much our lives have changes since we had children. I would not trade my children for anything, and I love them both more than life itself. However, it is true that you sacrifice much when you take on the responsibly of parenthood. While it is exciting and rewarding, our ability to go out and catch a movie has changed significantly.

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